Sunday, March 16, 2008



Academic Plan
Student Achievement
(2008-2009 School Year)

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Academic Middle School

CDS Code

Draft #3, March 4, 2008
Date of this plan/revision
Purpose of this Academic Plan

This academic plan meets the content requirements of amended Education
Code Section 64001 (effective January 2002) for a single school plan
for pupil achievement. Such a plan must be developed at each school
that operates any programs funded through the Consolidated Application.

This academic plan provides a single, comprehensive school plan to
improve the academic performance of students. Its use requires
collection and analysis of student performance data, setting priorities
for program improvements, rigorous use of effective solution
strategies, and ongoing monitoring of results. The template provides a
structured means to improve teaching and learning to meet state content
and performance standards. To accomplish this purpose, the template
includes elements found by educational research and professional
practice to be essential to the success of plans to improve student
academic performance. In addition, if all applicable portions of the
template are properly completed, school plan content requirements will
be met for all programs for which the school has an allocation in the
Consolidated Application.

Schools operating School-Based Coordinated Programs must include
instructional and auxiliary services to meet the special needs of
English learners, educationally disadvantaged pupils, gifted and
talented pupils, and pupils with exceptional needs.

(To be provided by Research, Planning and Accountability, format TBD)


Analysis of Current Educational Practice
The following questions will help you reflect on current educational
practices at your school and its impact on improving student
achievement, and to craft your academic plan for the 2007-2008 school

Currently, what are the two or three (2-3) key objectives for the
school in 2006-2007 (across the five District goals)? For each
objective, please briefly answer the following questions, if
What key strategies and high-leverage activities are being implemented
in order to achieve those objectives?
What challenges or barriers (within the school) is the school facing
and how is the school trying to overcome them?
How are resources (WSF and categorical funds) being aligned school-wide
to achieve those objectives, especially services and supports to enable
under-performing students to meet standards?
What and how are additional family, school, district and community
resources used to assist these students and what impacts have been

Current-Year Objective 1: "By June, 2007, all significant groups
(African American, Latino, students with disabilities) will meet the
minimum percentile 'at or above proficient' in both English/Language
Arts and Mathematics, as reflected in the CDE AYP Report published in
late August, 2007."
1.In order to motivate and hence raise the reading levels of our
students, a full time librarian was hired the first week in December.
She quickly surveyed students and staff to assess priorities in
"re-inventing" the school library. Since then, $15,000 has been spent
to purchase new computers, furniture and book displays, books and
magazines. She has given tours to all E/LA, math, social studies
classes; created book clubs; and taught basic research skill seminars
to classes. 2. In our second year involvement in MSTLI, we have
continued administering benchmark assessments in E/LA and math and
analyzed assessment results to re-teach standards. 3. A focal list of
African American and ELL students have been published and distributed
to all teachers (Basic scoring students). Discussions have begun at
grade levels to determine strategies to move them to state "Proficient"
subject matter levels.
Ten certificated faculty members are new to our school, of which seven
are probationary in status. This poses a tremendous challenge to coach,
evaluate, and create a professional culture of competent teachers.
Also, to our students, who must learn new adult personalities and meet
their as yet untried expectations.
In mid-September, we re-evaluated our budget and determined that rather
than hire a literacy specialist we would opt for a librarian. Our
school has not had a librarian for five years.
1. Through our California GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and
Readiness in Undergraduate Programs), we have begun to raise a culture
of college bound students among our student body. Ten focal students
submitted applications and essays for review of the $2,000 trust
scholarship giveaways. This is a motivating factor to excel in school.
2. Grade level counselors and administrators have initiated meetings
with parents and students of focal students in an effort to reiterate
the expectation that these students will score "Proficient" on their
spring, 2007 STAR exam.

Current-Year Objective 2: "A compared with 2005-2006, 5% more students,
including English Learners, will be placed in the Benchmark category,
having moved up from Strategic or Intervention status. This will then
mean a 5% increase in the number of students eligible to take an
elective class. This will result from a comparable increase in STAR
test results, scores on SFUSD Benchmark Assessments, and CELDT scores."
1. Shortly before the conclusion of the first semester, we reviewed
students' benchmark results in math and E/LA to see if students moved
up or down from elective/strategic/intervention. We concluded that up
to twenty students were eligible to move up to electives, and that 17
students would be placed in strategic from elective classes because of
their benchmark results. Hence, student moves were made to match their
performance indicators and academic status.
1. The greatest challenges to successfully implementing this objective
are (a) inconsistencies in student's approach to standardized testing,
and (b) new teachers to the career and MLK Middle School who are not
familiar with benchmark assessments nor why they are invaluable tools;
c) teachers not familiar with High Point, Prentice Hall materials; and
d) students who do not take these periodic assessments seriously.
1. Funds are used to purchase supplementary materials in reading and
E/LA support classes.
1. The After School Program includes tutorial opportunities for
students. Teachers also tutor students during and after school. 2.
District-purchased learning packets, "Practice and Mastery" booklets in
math and English are utilized

Current-Year Objective 3: "At the conclusion of the school year, the
school will have decreased the number of tardy students arriving to
school by 10% and the number of behavior-related referrals by 30%."
1. A Peer Court has been piloted to mete out consequences by students
to students who committed school infractions. This has succeeded in
making more students aware of their investment in our school culture
and facility. 2. The "Tools for Success" program under Noah Salzman,
consultant, has been introduced this school year. Five school wide
student behavior expectations, and procedures to implement once
students have violated these expectations, have been discussed. The
in-house suspension room is now in place, with over sixty student
referrals to that location for violation of classroom and school-wide
1. Faculty has been apprehensive in adopting several procedures of
Salzman's "Tools for Success" because of unfamiliarity and current
practices. 2. Because of ten new certificated staff members, students
are challenging adult limitations on misbehavior. We are experiencing a
two-fold increase, rather than 30% drop in teacher referrals, in
addition to more suspensions than the previous years.
1. We have procured the services of Noah Salzman, consultant, to assist
us in defining discipline behavior and implementing a five step
approach to meting student misbehavior. 2. A part-time Peer Resource
person was funded to work with key students in peer mediation and
conflict resolution.
1. We have procured the services of SFPD "Gang Violence Prevention" to
speak with all 6th grade students over a 6 week period on peer
pressure, bullying.

Priorities for 2007-2008
The School Site Council has analyzed the academic performance of all
student groups and has considered the effectiveness of key elements of
the instructional program for students failing to meet API and AYP
targets. Below are the data conclusions for each of the five District
Goals and the school's key objectives and strategies for the upcoming
2007-2008 school year.

Goal 1: Academic Achievement
Significantly increase academic achievement and learning for all
students, including closing the achievement gap, based on achievement
data. Focus must be on reading and mathematics as measured by tests
and other assessments as appropriate.
Data Conclusions for Goal 1
Questions to cover:
What are the key data findings observed from last year's CST? What
achievement gaps exist (can be grade-level gaps, subject-subject, by
racial subgroups, EL vs. non-EL students, Specia Ed vs. non-Special Ed
students, EDY vs. non-EDY students, etc.). [Note: The overall
performance of English learners, Special Ed, and socio-economically
disadvantaged students should be addressed in Goal 2; however, any
achievement gaps that exist for or within these subgroups should be
addressed here in Goal 1.]
What patterns or trends have been observed over multiple years?
What additional school data was analyzed, if any (i.e. data gathered
from benchmark assessments, pre/post tests administered, surveys,
attendance data, etc.) and what are the key patterns or trends
Key Findings:
Although all groups made significant gains on the 2006 CSTs, the
achievement gap between the African American, Latino, and Special
Education students and our other students remains as wide as in
previous years. Our English Learners also have lower scores, though
ethnicity seems to be a factor as well—Latino students are experiencing
more difficulty with reading and writing skills than other EL students.
The test score gaps noted above have been seen at MLK for the last five
years. Previous and current efforts to accelerate the test success of
the groups named above have not succeeded, though the scores of these
students have risen in general along with those of the other students.
The results from the 2006-2007 ELA and Math Benchmark Assessments show
that these same groups continue to lag behind our other students,
though the gap is getting smaller for Latino students. Loss of
instructional time due to absences, tardies, and behavioral infractions
is a critical factor for some but not all of the students in these
groups. Variable home support, insufficient academic motivation,
learning difficulties, and staff turnover are also involved. Each
student has a unique mix of these and other factors that must be
addressed in order to close the achievement gap.

Proficiency and Above
General School Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8
E/LA 33% 46% 39%
Math 42% 48% 30%

AA Students Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8
E/LA 16% 9% 9%
Math 9% 6% 0%

L Students Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8
E/LA 26% 29% 28%
Math 21% 22% 21%

EL Students Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8
E/LA 12% 7% 11%
Math 27% 32% 8%

Key Objectives for Goal 1
[Based on the data conclusions above, identify the key objectives (one
to three) for Goal 1 for the school.]
Objective 1: CST scores for African American, Latino, and Special
Education students will meet or exceed the CDE's 2007-2008 proficiency
targets and AYP requirements.
Objective 2: Instructional time and academic engagement of African
American, Latino, and RSP/Inclusion students will show significant
improvement over current rates.
Objective 3: The timely delivery and effectiveness of both academic
and affective interventions for these targeted students will also
improve over current levels.

Key Strategies for Goal 1
[What key strategies will be implemented in order to achieve the
objectives above? Please be as specific as possible in describing how
these strategies will lead to improved student achievement.]
Key Strategy 1: Improve and expand the existing student support systems
(including SST and SAP) so as to better address the factors affecting
each non-proficient student's progress. This includes improved
monitoring of student support services, and more effective use of STAR
school personnel and community resources.
Key Strategy 2: Improve the attendance and active class participation
of African American, Latino, ELL, and Special Education through both
external and internal incentives and place more emphasis on engaging
and culturally sensitive and relevant delivery of curricula.
Key Strategy 3: Refine and/or introduce academic and affective
interventions and monitoring/feedback systems to help improve the
academic success of these targeted and focal student groups, including
the use math and E/LA benchmark assessments to redirect instruction,
and implement student engagement instructional classroom strategies.

Goal 2: Academic Equity
Ensure that all students have access to a comprehensive education by
providing a high-quality program of studies in the Core Curriculum
areas (English/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies,
visual and performing arts, health and physical education), world
languages, and school-to-career and technical programs where

Data Conclusions for Goal 2
Questions to cover:
What special programs (Special Education, GATE, Honors, AP, ELD,
language immersion, arts magnet, etc.) are offered at your school?
What are the key data findings observed for students participating in
these programs from last year's CST? [Note: If academic achievement
for students in these programs was disaggregated by racial subgroup and
any achievement gaps were observed, these gaps should be discussed in
Goal 1.]
Are any racial subgroups underrepresented or overrepresented in certain
programs (i.e. low African American students in GATE, Honors, and/or AP
programs, high numbers of EL students in Special Education)?
What patterns or trends have been observed over multiple years?
What additional school data was analyzed (can be data gathered from
benchmark assessments, pre/post tests administered, surveys, attendance
data, etc.) and what are the key patterns or trends observed?
Key Findings:
MLK currently has RSP and SDC programs for special education students
whose learning disabilities range from mild to severe. As much as
feasible, these students are allowed access to general education
classes. GATE students have the same program as other students, but
receive some differentiated instruction and preferential access to
certain elective classes. There are no Honors classes at MLK, based on
our original Consent Decree mandate, but all 8th graders do take
Algebra. English Learners are intermixed with general education
students in classes using ELD and SDAIE instructional strategies. Lower
performing EL students are grouped together for one period of the day
in an intervention reading class.
The special education students continue to score mainly in the Far
Below thru Basic ranges on CSTs. GATE students are scoring comparably
well with GATE students in other SFUSD middle schools. English
Learners show steady progress in learning English, as shown through
CELDT scores and the reclassification rate, and on CST scores, though
more so for Asian than Latino students.
Over the past six years, MLK's English Learner population has grown
notably. This has increased the need for professional development in
ELD and SDAIE strategies. The number of students designated as GATE has
also increased, mostly through student success on standardized tests,
and most of these are Asian students.
Current analysis of SFUSD Benchmark assessments shows that MLK students
are not performing quite as well as last year when compared with other
SFUSD middle schools. A higher than normal degree of staff turnover
from last year, resulting in a higher percentage of relatively
inexperienced teachers this year, is one probable factor. SDC student
access to the core curriculum is currently in process of review and
revision. Most general education students designated as needing
intervention have been placed in supplemental "strategic" ELA classes
rather than High Point classes so as to better support learning of the
core curriculum standards. Intervention classes for English Learners
still use the district-approved intervention curriculum, but are
supplemented with instruction focusing on core standards as well.
Underperforming students have less access to elective classes due to
scheduling and staffing limits. This is compensated, to some extent,
via music and art based assemblies and field trips, and participation
in the After School Program. In particular, a before school choir class
and after school instrumental music are offered to any student,
regardless of academic and program standing, who is interested in
enrolling in these classes.

Key Objectives for Goal 2
[Based on the data conclusions above, identify the key objectives (one
to three) for Goal 2 for the school.]
Objective 1: Ensure that 100% of placements in Special education
programs are correct and appropriate and that all channels for
identifying GATE students are utilized.
Objective 2: Ensure that all students have access to a comprehensive
education that includes opportunities to participate in activities that
go beyond the core curriculum.
Objective 3: Ensure that all English Learners can access the core
curriculum in all subjects via effective use of SDAIE and ELD

Key Strategies for Goal 2
[What key strategies will be implemented in order to achieve the
objectives above? Please be as specific as possible in describing how
these strategies will lead to improved student achievement.]
Key Strategy 1: Special education severe to moderate students will, to
the fullest extent possible, be mainstreamed in core subject areas in
order to ensure instruction in grade level standards, including
periodic assessment through application of common benchmark assessments
in math and English language arts.
Key Strategy 2: Improve delivery of special events and programs to
provide intervention and strategic students with increased access to
performing arts, service learning, outdoor education, and school
library-based literacy activities.
Key Strategy 3: Through faculty and monthly professional development
workshops, staff will be trained on "best practices" student engagement
classroom instructional strategies, including SDAIE and ELD strategies.

Goal 3: Instructional Improvement
Improve the instructional delivery to all students using best practices
for student learning as reflected in Focus on Learning recommendations,
compliance, whole school reform models, school-wide programs,
school-based curricular instructional or programmatic improvements.

Data Conclusions related to Goal 3
[Please state your data patterns and trends. In addition, describe
other school level data you may have gathered and analyzed.]
Key Findings:
Though MLK has worked to improve instructional practices, staff
turnover during the past few years necessitates continued professional
development (PD). Most classes are heterogeneously grouped.
Therefore, differentiated instruction is one area in need of on-going
PD. Classroom observations during 2006-2007 have also shown that too
many students are off-task or otherwise unengaged in classroom
instruction. This indicates a need to revisit student engagement
strategies, including checking for understanding. The use of
non-linguistic representations to help students better organize and
retain curriculum content has been a school-wide practice for several
years now, but newer staff members need more training on this strategy.
Additional PD in classroom management strategies is also needed for
some staff members still new to teaching.
Most staff members are well on their way to meeting the requirements
for NCLB's "highly-qualified" status. However, some staff members
(current or new) may need additional professional development and/or
additional college units to reach this goal. The school needs to
monitor and support this process.

Key Objectives for Goal 3
[Based on the data conclusions above, identify the key objectives (one
to three) for Goal 3 for the school.]
Objective 1: Increase staff expertise in instructional practices
designed to better support learning in all subjects.
Objective 2: Expand the professional development opportunities for
staff members, both in the above-mentioned strategies and as needed to
help staff meet the "highly qualified" status requirements of NCLB.

Key Strategies for Goal 3
[What key strategies will be implemented in order to achieve the
objectives above? Please be as specific as possible in describing how
these strategies will lead to improved instructional practice at the

Key Strategy 1: Utilize both in-house and outside expertise to provide
professional development in key instructional strategies such as
"Checking for Understanding", Marzano's student engagement
instructional strategies, and other "best practices", and monitor their
Key Strategy 2: Supplement and improve the current available
professional development sessions through faculty, common planning
time, monthly professional development, Saturdays, and after school
meetings. Staff attendance on Saturdays and after school will be
"strongly encouraged, but optional" and will be appropriately
compensated. When appropriate, professional development can be targeted
to those staff members identified as needing such, reducing the costs
involved. Such targeted PD allows the school to "recognize"
experienced staff members as already being skilled in certain
Key Strategy 3: Ensure each staff member completes his/her NCLB
highly-qualified certification process, utilizing available resources
provided through SFUSD.

Goal 4: School Climate
Ensure safe, secure school and learning environment relative to
cleanliness, management of the facility and student behavior.

Data Conclusions for Goal 4
[Please state your data patterns and trends. In addition, describe
other school level data you may have gathered and analyzed.]
Key Findings: The main school climate issues noted in the 2006-2007
Site Plan were insufficient student discipline policies and shared
decision-making procedures. Noah Salzman was utilized as an outside
consultant in strengthening discipline procedures. Shared
decision-making procedures continue to require more emphasis on the
development of a culture of collaboration and consensus building to
maintain the close knit community that staff members have come to
expect as part of the vision of Dr. King.
Most staff has utilized some of Salzman's best practices within
the classroom, though not consistently across the school. There are
still unresolved problems in implementing Salzman procedures outside of
the classroom—hallway behavior, cutting class, and the coverage of the
in-house suspension room. The amount of serious defiant and
disruptive behavior has risen this year. These factors have resulted
in a notable increase in referrals and suspensions. Most notably,
there has been an increase in severe behavior requiring police
involvement. Many staff members feel that the Salzman procedures alone
are not enough to solve these problems. Therefore, in early 2007, the
SSC sent a letter to SFUSD requesting an additional security guard be
allotted to MLK.
Since the school has had significant turnover of staff the past few
years, due mostly to the retirement and advancement of staff members,
many new teachers have come on board. But some have chosen not to stay
with us for very long. Working at MLK is a unique experience that's
both rewarding and challenging, and sometimes frustrating. Reflecting
on this, we realize we need to do a better job in orienting and
supporting new staff members.
The school has revisited its preparedness for disasters and
emergencies, but only briefly this year. More planning and training is
needed to maintain maximum preparedness.
An informal review of Goal 4, using the survey suggested by
SFUSD, also shows that MLK needs to review and improve it's delivery of
the SFUSD Health curriculum and School Health department activities.
Comments made by parents at several recent meetings and staff
observations also indicate a need to repair and/or update several
aspects of the physical safety of the campus, including the outdoor
lighting and outdoor trash receptacles.

Key Objectives for Goal 4
[Based on the data conclusions above, identify the key objectives (one
to three) for Goal 4 for the school.]
Objective 1: Reduce student classroom tardies and students defiant to
adult authority by 25% from the previous year
Objective 2: Achieve 100% implementation of all health and safety
related requirements.
Objective 3: Comparable surveys completed by staff in 2007 and then
2008 will show an increase in new teachers' feelings of comfort and
success in their work at MLK.

Key Strategies for Goal 4
[What key strategies will be implemented in order to achieve the
objectives above? Please be as specific as possible in describing how
these strategies will lead to improved school climate.]
Key Strategy 1: The counseling staff and Learning Support Professional
will coordinate groups of students to improve their social behaviors
and attendance.
Key Strategy 2: The school's Crisis Response Team will attend
professional development sessions sponsored by SHPD, and oversee fire
drills, evacuation plans, and other safety related issues and topics.
Key Strategy 3: Improve new teacher levels of comfort and success
through stronger orientation and support activities.

Goal 5: Parent and Community Involvement
Significantly increase the involvement of a broad base of parents and
community at the school level.

Data Conclusions related to Goal 5
[Please state your data patterns and trends. In addition, describe
other school level data you may have gathered and analyzed.]
Key Findings:
The MLK PTSA does meet on a monthly basis, but the attendance at
meetings is still very low. More incentives are needed to increase
attendance. The meetings to be held for Special Education, GATE , and
English Learner parents have not yet happened, as of the first
semester. Staff members representing these groups need to communicate
with the Parent Liaison to plan and implement these meetings.
However, parent participation during teacher-parent conference weeks
has improved this year. The auto-dialer phone system has been utilized
more frequently than in the past. Elected parents are also active
participants on the SSC. Important documents for parents are usually
translated into Spanish and Chinese. Translators are provided as
needed for parents when communicating with school personnel. The
GEAR-UP program offered a series of workshops on preparing for college,
though attendance was less than desired. The people who did
participate found the program both motivating and informative.
Workshops of this sort should be continued and better publicized so as
to reach more families.
Recently, several parents have inquired as to what else they can do at
home to support their students' academic progress, during the school
year and over the summer to better prepare for the following school
year. Realizing that some parents have little or no spare time, we
couldn't make this a requirement. However, the school can explore ways
to enable interested parents to provide more home support.
Additionally, a suggested summer reading list can be prepared and
distributed to parents of all incoming students.

Key Objectives for Goal 5
[Based on the data conclusions above, identify the key objectives (one
to three) for Goal 5 for the school.]
Objective 1: Attendance at PTSA meetings and other parent/community
focused events will increase 25% over current rates.

Objective 2: Participation in the GEAR-UP program will increase by 25%
over the current year.

Objective 3: Empower willing parents with tools to better support
student academic progress at home.

Key Strategies for Goal 5
[What key strategies will be implemented in order to achieve the
objectives above? Please be as specific as possible in describing how
these strategies will lead to improved parent and community

Key Strategy 1: Develop a more effective system of publicity and
incentives to enhance parent involvement in school events and improve
home-school communication

Key Strategy 2: The school will continue to provide families with
information, activities, and workshops designed to heighten awareness
of and assist in planning for high school and college needs, utilizing
the GEAR-UP program and other available resources. These activities
will be well publicized and participants will be recognized in some
manner for their participation.

Key Strategy 3: Parents will be provided with suggested opportunities
and activities that will enable them to provide additional academic
support for their students at home and over the summer.


The School Site Council has analyzed the academic performance of all
student groups and has considered the effectiveness of key elements of
the instructional program for students failing to meet API and AYP
growth targets. In order to achieve the key objectives and implement
the key strategies set forth in the plan, the following related
actions and expenditures have been adopted to raise the academic
performance of student groups not meeting state standards:

Goal 1: Academic Achievement
Significantly increase academic achievement and learning for all
students, including closing the achievement gap, based on achievement
data. Focus must be on Reading and Mathematics as measured by tests
and other assessments as appropriate.
Actions to be Taken to Reach This Goal
Consider all appropriate dimensions (e.g., Teaching and Learning,
Staffing and Professional Development) Start Date
Completion Date Proposed Expenditures
Source District Support(s) Needed Key Strategy 1: Improve and expand
the existing student support systems (including SST and SAP) so as to
better address the factors affecting each non-proficient student's
progress. This includes improved monitoring of student support
Lessons will include strategies that reflect scaffolded and
differentiated instruction for all under-performing students and
appropriate modifications of both instruction and grading to better
support students with disabilities.
School site tutorials, community resources, study skills classes, will
be utilized to provide academic and mentoring support for
underperforming students.
The SAP/SST teams will meet at least 1 time a week to review referred
high risk students' academic records and behavior plans and recommend
additional monitoring and added support mechanisms. The referral
process for these programs will be streamlined and monitored for timely
follow-through. List schedule of SST/SAPs in the bulletin.
Counselors will communicate "at-risk student" performance to
parents/guardians each grading period. *(3 or more U in citizenship, or
3 or more referrals, or a GPA < 2.5)
PTSA and teachers will develop and adopt a classroom program to
encourage parent involvement in the homerooms.
Grade level teacher teams will meet regularly with the administration
to review, coordinate, implement underperforming student support

September - May

September - May

August - May

Each 6-wk. grading period

September - May


Federal GEAR UP; SF Promise/AVID; Before/After School program

School Health Programs, Learning Support Professional

Prop H

PTSA Key Strategy 2: Improve the attendance and active class
participation of African American, Latino, and Special Education
through both external and internal incentives and place more emphasis
on engaging culturally relevant delivery of curricula.
The counselors will identify attendance issues. SART will address
problems and will communicate with students and parent/guardians to
improve attendance where needed.
Appropriate incentives such as educational fieldtrips and culturally
relevant speakers will be identified to reward truant-prone students
for improved attendance. (i.e. MUNI passes)
Staff and Grade Level, Department Level will review current curricula
and instructional strategies to identify areas where more culturally
relevant content and activities can be appropriately added to or
The school will purchase multiple copies of books to address the
cultural and language diversities of our school site population.
Purchases will emphasize popular student-engaging topics.
The library will offer culturally relevant book clubs and author events
to create a community of readers.

September -May


August - May

Fall, 2008

CA and Federal GEAR UP Grants program

Key Strategy 3: Refine and/or introduce academic and affective
interventions and monitoring/feedback systems to help improve the
academic success of these targeted and focal student groups, the use of
benchmark assessments to re-direct instruction, and implement student
engagement classroom strategies.
Students will be assessed by academic achievement data for placement in
Reading Support classes or for placement in elective classes. All
students will also have a core Language Arts class. Language Arts
teachers will continue to use the state-adopted district-approved
instructional materials in these core classes, supplemented
appropriately by other materials. Reading support classes will use
appropriate materials to supplement the state adopted district approved
curriculum so as to better engage student interest and motivation.
CST "Basic" scoring focal students as defined by the district will be
identified and matched with an on-site mentor/monitor who will provide
friendly informal support and encouragement.
During the Fall Semester, a student in the Reading Support classes will
be eligible to be moved to a regular elective class if they pass two
consecutive benchmark assessments. The Grade Level Teams will make
final determinations of the students based on other formative and
summative assessments. Limitations on class sizes for Elective and
Support classes will be developed so as to anticipate and allow for
this movement. The master schedule will be developed so as to
anticipate and allow for this movement.
The criteria for the support electives exiting will be reviewed by
grade level teams, staff and parents before the end of the first
All teachers will monitor Focal students' performance on SFUSD's
Benchmark assessments to assist those who need additional support.
These students will be given first priority in After School Program's
tutorial services, teacher-voluntary tutoring during lunch and/or after
school, and other behavioral and academic support services.
Trained teachers will assist other teachers to review, select, practice
grade level and department adoption of student engagement classroom
instructional strategies. Monthly schools' professional development
series of workshops will focus on academic rigor through practicing
these "best practice" classroom strategies.
The administration will facilitate teachers coaching and mentoring each
other in practicing and perfecting instructional strategies.

Aug./Sept.—placed by mid-September

By Mid-October after implementation of 6 week "Second Step" curriculum

Throughout school year

October – May

August – May

September - May
Federal GEAR UP; SF Promise/AVID
School Health Department

SF Promise/AVID

SF Promise/AVID

Site Admin

Monitoring and Assessment for Goal 1
Questions to cover:
How will the school monitor implementation of the high leverage
activities above?
How will the school evaluate its progress towards achieving the desired
What data will be collected to measure progress?

1. The Administration , UBC and SSC will periodically review, discuss,
and revise as needed the implementation and timelines.

2. The Administration, UBC and SSC will periodically monitor and update
the various data provided to evaluate progress.

3. Student academic progress and movement between the Intervention,
Strategic, and Benchmark categories will be monitored via CST and SFUSD
Benchmark Assessment scores, teacher feedback, and class enrollment

Goal 2: Academic Equity
Ensure that all students have access to a comprehensive education by
providing a high-quality program of studies in the Core Curriculum
areas (English/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies,
visual and performing arts, health and physical education), world
languages, and school-to-career and technical programs where

Actions to be Taken to Reach This Goal
Consider all appropriate dimensions (e.g., Teaching and Learning,
Staffing and Professional Development) Start Date
Completion Date Proposed Expenditures
Source District Support(s) Needed Key Strategy 1: Review, improve, and
monitor Special Education, ELL, and GATE identification and program
exit procedures, based on core curriculum, and standardized assessment
achievement so as to ensure proper placement. Where possible, efforts
will be made to be balance African American and Latino population in
all school programs. Increased academic success for these groups will
help to reduce the imbalances.
Special Education procedures will be reviewed and monitored to ensure
proper placement of students, according to their eligibility and IEP
Access to core curriculum, including textbooks and other materials,
will be implemented for all students including Special Education
Participation in the above programs will be monitored periodically to
gauge student progress.

August - May

SF Promise?

SFUSD Content/Program
Specialists Key Strategy 2: Improve delivery of special events
and programs to provide all students with increased access to
performing arts, service learning, ecology, gardening and outdoor
education activities.
School staff will plan and implement periodic assemblies and field
trips to insure that all students have opportunities to learn more
about and participate in visual and performing arts, service learning,
and outdoor education activities.
Visual and Performing arts, choir, and instrumental music classes will
be offered to all students in order to ensure that all students
regardless of program or academic status, have access to these special
The library will offer visits from authors and other literacy related
cultural events.

August through May

Federal GEAR UP
SF Promise/ AVID

Prop H Funds Key Strategy 3: Differentiated instructional and student
engagement strategies through grade level and department level teams
and staff will be introduced in planning meetings and Professional
Development to address the academic and learning style needs of our
diverse student population.
The SFUSD Multi-lingual Department will provide on-site targeted
professional development on SDAIE and ELD expectations and strategies.
Language Arts teachers will actively employ ELD instruction daily,
appropriate to the needs of each class.
Content area teachers will employ SDAIE strategies daily to help EL
students access the core curriculum.

October - May

October - May



Director of Avid

Federal GEAR UP
SF Promise/AVID

Prop H Funds

Multi-lingual Department
Monitoring and Assessment for Goal 2
Questions to cover:
How will the school monitor implementation of the high leverage
activities above?
How will the school evaluate its progress towards achieving the desired
What data will be collected to measure progress?

1. The SSC, Administration, and UBC will periodically review, discuss,
and revise as needed the implementation and timelines.
Administration will monitor implementation of SDAIE and ELD strategies
through classroom observations.

2. The SSC, Administration and UBC will periodically monitor and update
the various data provided to evaluate progress.

3. Records and documents from professional development sessions will
be saved for review. Enrollment, admission, and demission figures for
Spec. Ed., GATE, and EL students will be disaggregated by grade level
and ethnicity and compared with previous year information and similar
SFUSD information. Records of all assemblies and filed trips will be
maintained in the main office and compared with similar data from
previous years where available.

Goal 3: Instructional Improvement
Improve the instructional delivery to all students using best practices
for student learning as reflected in Focus on Learning recommendations,
compliance, whole school reform models, school-wide programs,
school-based curricular instructional or programmatic improvements.

Actions to be Taken to Reach This Goal
Consider all appropriate dimensions (e.g., Teaching and Learning,
Staffing and Professional Development) Start Date
Completion Date Proposed Expenditures
Source District Support(s) Needed Key Strategy 1: Utilize both
in-house and outside expertise to provide professional development in
key instructional strategies, and to monitor their implementation.
Within the first 6 weeks, grade level and department level teams will
list and prioritize site professional development needs, with
additional recommended and mandated training activities to be included
through out the school year.
Staff will conduct staff training workshops, with topics to include
differentiation of instruction, Spec. Ed. modifications and grading,
checking for understanding, non-linguistic representations,
think-pair-share, "best practices" student engagement instructional
strategies, and/or others as determined by staff needs.
Differentiation of instruction will be appropriately incorporated
school-wide, and will be a continuing topic for common planning within
grade levels and departments. Best practices will be shared with the
whole staff at faculty professional development meetings
At the start of the school year, teachers will be provided data on the
individual identified learning needs and test scores of the students in
each class so as to assist with planning of appropriate differentiated
The librarian and other qualified staff will offer technology and
information literacy workshops and trainings, so that teachers are
comfortable using computers and internet for instruction.

August/Sept. 2008

October - May

September - May


September - May

$11,000 Federal GEAR UP
SF Promise/AVID

Title I

Key Strategy 2: Supplement and improve the current available
professional development sessions with periodic sessions after school.
Staff attendance will be "strongly encouraged, but optional" and will
be appropriately compensated. When appropriate, professional
development may be targeted to those staff members identified as
needing such, reducing the costs involved. Such targeted PD allows the
school to "recognize" experienced staff members as being skilled in
certain strategies.
Periodic professional development sessions will be held during and
after school for staff, who will be encouraged (but optional
attendance). They will be compensated for attending these workshops..
This will allow more intensive and targeted PD to be provided on
various topics deemed more appropriate for this extended time format.
A school site recruitment and interview team, consisting of one parent,
one administrator, one leader of the appropriate content area, one
student from the seventh or eighth grade and one counselor will be
created to address the issue of the school's faculty's annual turnover
rate of teachers. They will assist the principal in marketing the
school and interview candidates for vacancies.

September- May


Title I

HR Model Staffing Initiative Key Strategy 3: Assist each staff member
in completing/verifying his/her NCLB highly-qualified certification,
using both site resources, as available, and resources provided through
Administrators will review the NCLB highly qualified status of each
staff member, and will use this information, according to SFUSD/UESF
contractual requirements, to assign teachers in the Master Schedule
Staff members identified as needing to complete this NCLB certification
will be directed to the proper resources provided by SFUSD for this

Spring 2007

Spring/August 2007

Human Resources Dept.

Monitoring and Assessment for Goal 3
Questions to cover:
How will the school monitor implementation of the high leverage
activities above?
How will the school evaluate its progress towards achieving the desired
What data will be collected to measure progress?
1. The SSC, Administration and UBC will periodically review, discuss,
and revise as needed the implementation and timelines.
Administration will monitor implementation of instructional strategies
through classroom observations.

2. The SSC, Administration and UBC will periodically monitor and update
the various data provided to evaluate progress. Administration will
maintain communication with appropriate SFUSD personnel regarding the
NCLB highly qualified status of each teacher. Progress/problems will
be reported periodically to the UBC and SSC.

3. Records and documents from the professional development sessions
will be provided to the above groups for review. SFUSD will provide
data relevant to NCLB certification requirements and progress.

Goal 4: School Climate
Ensure safe, secure school and learning environment relative to
cleanliness, management of the facility and student behavior.

Actions to be Taken to Reach This Goal
Consider all appropriate dimensions (e.g., Teaching and Learning,
Staffing and Professional Development) Start Date
Completion Date Proposed Expenditures
Source District Support(s) Needed Key Strategy 1: The counseling staff
and Learning Support Professional will coordinate groups of students to
improve their social behaviors and attendance in and out of class.
Maintain and expand the peer conflict mediation program, the peer
court, and anti-bullying activities.
Use incentive rewards (King Cobra tickets, free dress) to promote
improved school and class attendance and reduced tardies.
Assign security staff so as to effectively monitor hallways between
periods, by increasing the "campus supervisor" position to 3.0 FTE
Involve students through student council meetings and homeroom reports
to assist in a periodic review and of behavior expectations and
discipline procedures, conflict mediation options, incentives, etc.
Explore a Middle School Wellness Center including a school nurse or a
mental health counselor to address underlying problems with at-risk
Revisit Health Education curriculum and create a Coordinated School
Health Program and the use of clubs to promote appropriate social norms
and infuse health lessons in the curriculum.
Adapt and enforce School Wide Discipline Plan and Uniform Dress policy.
Second Step program will be implemented during the first sixth weeks of
the Unified Arts period for all school site students.

September - May

September - May

September – May

August – May

September – October

Oct. – Update & drill

School Health Dept

School Health Department

Materials & training
via SFUSD Key Strategy 2: The School Safety Team will attend
professional development sessions sponsored by SHPD, and oversee fire
drills, evacuation plans, and other safety related issues and topics
The Science and PE departments will meet with administration and/or
School Health personnel to examine and revise our current
implementation of the mandated health curriculum and to make revisions
as needed.
Identify/train/update staff on emergency procedures, and inform
parents/guardians about such procedures through monthly newsletters and
other communication methods.
Identify, fix and/or update all campus safety-related items, including
outdoor lighting and trash disposal needs.
Implement the "Second Step" six week unified arts program for all
Provide annual First Aid/CPR training for all faculty and staff.

August - October

September – May

September – November
September – October

September - May


SFUSD School Health Dept.

Building & Grounds

SFUSD School Health Dept. Key Strategy 3: Improve new teacher levels
of comfort and success through stronger orientation and support
Hold new teacher meetings weekly during first month of school year and
monthly thereafter. These meetings should be two-way discussions which
help new teachers better adapt to MLK procedures and expectations and
to resolve problems that arise.
Create a Social Activities Club for faculty and staff.

Aug/Sept.- weekly
Oct.-May- monthly

August – May


Human Resources Dept./BTSA

Monitoring and Assessment for Goal 4
Questions to cover:
How will the school monitor implementation of the high leverage
activities above?
How will the school evaluate its progress towards achieving the desired
What data will be collected to measure progress?

1. The Administration,UBC and SSC will periodically review, discuss,
and revise as needed the implementation and timelines.

2. Surveys will be analyzed and appropriate behavior-related data will
be recorded, reviewed, updated and compared with previous years by the
above groups.

3. Surveys will be given out at the conclusion of each semester to
parents, staff, and students to monitor progress made in ensuring a
safe and clean school environment and a well-behaved student body.

Goal 5: Parent and Community Involvement
Significantly increase the involvement of a broad base of parents and
community at the school level.

Actions to be Taken to Reach This Goal
Consider all appropriate dimensions (e.g., Teaching and Learning,
Staffing and Professional Development) Start Date
Completion Date Proposed Expenditures
Source District Support(s) Needed Key Strategy 1: Develop a more
effective system of publicity and incentives to enhance parent
involvement in school events and improve home-school communication.
A schedule of all parent/community related meetings will be developed
early in the year and will be actively publicized. This will include
meetings for parents of students in specific programs such as Special
Education and GATE. (Staff hours spent presenting at such meetings, if
held beyond the regular school day, will be appropriately compensated.)
The new school web site will reserve a page for communication of events
and activities to/for parents and community.
Develop an effective system for parents and others to communicate with
the school and its various personnel via email.
Send monthly email reminders via the school website and phone tree to
parents regarding school updates, functions, activities, and to check
the school's website for current information.

Back to School Week


August - May

Federal and CA GEAR UP grants; SF Promise; Title I

Translation services Key Strategy 2: The school will continue to
provide families with information, activities, and workshops designed
to heighten awareness of and assist in planning for high school and
college needs, utilizing the GEAR-UP program and other available
resources. These activities will be well publicized and participants
will be recognized in some manner for their participation.
Workshops, including those designed through the GEAR-UP program, will
be held for parents/guardians on topics relevant to their role in
preparing middle school students for high school and college. These
will be organized and publicized by the Parent Liaison, the PTSA, and
the GEAR-UP staff.
Publicity will include flyers, email, the auto-dialer, phone tree, the
new school website, and community newspaper/newsletters.
Free dress and/or other incentives will be awarded to the students from
families participating in these workshops. San Bruno Ave, merchant
discount coupons and/or other incentives will be awarded to the adults
and/or students from families participating in these workshops.

September - May

Federal and CA GEAR UP grants; SF Promise; Title I

Key Strategy 3: Parents will be provided with suggested
opportunities and activities that will enable them to provide
additional academic support for their students at home and over the
Maintain and expand percentage of families using Home Test Prep
materials effectively.
The Language Arts Department and Librarian will jointly generate a
suggested Summer Reading List for students entering each new grade
Support staff will provide parents with additional opportunities to
support student academic progress at home and better prepare students
for the following school year.

January-March 2009

April - May
Federal and CA GEAR UP grants; SF Promise; Title I

SFUSD State and Federal programs

Monitoring and Assessment for Goal 5
Questions to cover:
How will the school monitor implementation of the high leverage
activities above?
How will the school evaluate its progress towards achieving the desired
What data will be collected to measure progress?

1. The Administration , SSC, and UBC will periodically review,
discuss, and revise as needed the implementation and timelines.

2. Surveys will be analyzed and appropriate behavior-related data will
be recorded, reviewed, updated and compared with previous years by the
above groups.

3. Records of attendance and publicity documents will be kept for all
parent/community events and made available to the above groups for
review and evaluation purposes. Surveys will be given out at the
conclusion of each semester to parents to assess their level of
participation and satisfaction with parent related activities and
home/school communications.

School Site Council (SSC) Membership

Education Code Section 64001 requires that this plan be reviewed and
updated at least annually, including proposed expenditures of funds
allocated to the through the Consolidated Application, by the school
site council. The current make-up of the council is as follows:

Name of Member

Member's Signature
Principal Classroom
Teacher Other School Staff Parent or
Member Secondary Student Date Elected Gilbert Cho X James
Galgano X April Holland X Christopher
Miller X Dianne Reynolds X Lloyd
Schuknecht X Nancy Folauoo X Patricia Koka X Kay
Dorsey X Terezinha Jusino X Carlos Ramirez X Rocio
Ramirez X Cheryl Taylor X Johnson Chen X Sabreen
Khalil X Jonathan Ramirez X Numbers of members of each
category 1 5 2 5 3 At elementary schools, the council must be
constituted to ensure parity between (a) the principal, classroom
teachers and other school personnel and (b) parents of pupils attending
the school or other community members. Classroom teachers must
comprise a majority of persons represented under section (a). At
secondary schools there must, in addition, be equal numbers of parents
or other community members selected by parents, and students.
Teachers, other school personnel, parents and (at secondary schools)
students select representatives to the council (Education Code 52012).
For schools participating in the Immediate
Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program, the local governing board
must appoint a "broad-based schoolsite and community team" (Education
Code 52054(a)). The board may meet this requirement in either of the
following ways:
Add one or more "nonschoolsite personnel" to an existing school site
council to form the "school site and community team"; or
Appoint a "school site and community team" unrelated to the membership
of the school site council.
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Membership

Name of Member

Member's Signature Principal Classroom
Teacher Other School Staff Parent of EL Student Other Parent /
Community Secondary Student Date Elected Gilbert Cho X

Numbers of members of each category

The composition of the English Learner Advisory Committee ( ELAC) must
contain parents of EL students.
The percentage of parents of EL students is to be at least the same as
that of EL students at the school.
School Advisory Committee (SAC) Membership

Name of Member

Member's Signature
Principal Classroom
Teacher Other School Staff Parent or
Member Secondary Student Date

Numbers of members of each category

The composition of the School Advisory Council must be such that it
contains a majority of parents.

Recommendations and Assurances

The school site council recommends this school plan and its related
expenditures to the district governing board for approval, and assures
the board of the following:

The school site council is correctly constituted, and was formed in
accordance with district governing board policy and state law.
The school site council reviewed its responsibilities under state law
and district governing board policies, including those board policies
relating to material changes in the school plan requiring board
The school site council sought and considered all recommendations from
the following groups or committees before adopting this plan (Check
those that apply):
___ School Advisory Committee for State Compensatory Education Programs
___ English Learner Advisory Committee
___ Community Advisory Committee for Special Education Programs
___ Gifted and Talented Education Program Advisory Committee
___ Other (list)

The school site council reviewed the content requirements for school
plans of programs included in this Single Plan for Student Achievement,
and believes all such content requirements have been met, including
those found in district governing board policies and in the Local
Improvement Plan.
This school plan is based upon a thorough analysis of student academic
performance. The actions proposed herein form a sound, comprehensive,
coordinated plan to reach stated school goals to improve student
academic performance.
The school held two (2) community meetings prior to the completion of
the school site plan.
One meeting to gather input from the school community including all
advisory committees DATE: February 6, 2007
One meeting to present plan upon its completion.
DATE: March 3, 2007
This school plan was adopted by the school site council on: March 13,
Our site has a process and budget for replacing lost or damaged
textbooks as well as a process for managing textbooks to ensure that
each student has standards-aligned textbooks or other required
instructional materials to use in class or to use at home in order to
complete required homework assignments.
Our site uses an IEP Master Calendar to ensure compliance with Special
Education timelines.

Gilbert Cho 3/16/07
_________________________ _______________________ ________
Typed name of school principal Signature of school principal Date
Christopher Miller 3/16/07
_________________________ _______________________ ________
Typed name of SSC chairperson Signature of SSC chairperson Date

See Appendix B: Chart of Requirements for the SPSA for content
required by each program or funding source supporting this goal.
List the date an action will be taken or will begin, and the date it
will be completed.
See Appendix B: Chart of Requirements for the SPSA for content
required by each program or funding source supporting this goal.
List the date an action will be taken or will begin, and the date it
will be completed.
See Appendix B: Chart of Requirements for the SPSA for content
required by each program or funding source supporting this goal.
List the date an action will be taken or will begin, and the date it
will be completed.
See Appendix B: Chart of Requirements for the SPSA for content
required by each program or funding source supporting this goal.
List the date an action will be taken or will begin, and the date it
will be completed.
See Appendix B: Chart of Requirements for the SPSA for content
required by each program or funding source supporting this goal.
List the date an action will be taken or will begin, and the date it
will be completed.