Thursday, July 31, 2008

SSC Current Bylaws for 2008

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Academic Middle School

School Site Council Bylaws


The name of this council shall be the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Academic Middle School Site Council. It will be' commonly referred to
here and elsewhere as "the SSC".

ARTICLE II: Role & Domain of Authority

The role of this council is to:

a) oversee the long term policy and planning processes for the school.

b) mediate and resolve disagreements between participating

Appendix A of these Bylaws describes the "domains of authority" of the
SSC and its' various constituencies in more detail.

ARTICLE III: Membership

The membership of the MLK SSC is structured as follows, for a total of
16 members:
1 administrator, specifically the Principal, unless otherwise agreed.
5 teachers - election supervised by the Union Building Committee (UBC)
1 paraprofessional - election supervised by the UBC
1 classified (SEIU) employee – election supervised by SEIU Building
5 parents (election process determined by the PTSA)
3 students (1 per grade level, election process determined by the
Student Body)

In addition to the above, each constituency should select an
appropriate number of "alternates" who can be asked to substitute for a
member(s) who is unable to attend a specific meeting.

ARTICLE IV: Responsibilities; Voting, & Attendance

a) Each member of the SSC acts as a representative of his/her
constituency and speaks and votes on behalf of the constituency

b) Each member is accorded one vote on, the SSC. Only legitimate
members and alternates who are present at a meeting may vote.

c) Each SSC member must be ready and prepared to meet monthly (more
often if
needed) from October through June of the school year. The term of
office will be 2 years, as determined by the individual constituency.

d) In the event a member is unable to complete the term of office, the
constituency must select a new member within one month of notification
of the vacancy.

e) If a member misses three consecutive monthly SSC meetings, the
constituency may select, a new member for that position.

f) Each SSC meeting will also be open to the general school community.
Everyone attending may participate in discussions, unless restrictions
are pre-arranged by a 2/3 vote of the SSC. However, only official
members/alternates may cast votes when decisions are made.

g) The responsibilities of the SSC shall include the development,
creation, and approval of an Academic Site Plan and Budget for each
subsequent school year.

h) The responsibilities of the SSC shall also include monitoring of the
current Academic Site Plan and Budget for each school year to promote
effective implementation. Any changes deemed significant by an SSC
constituency can be brought to the attention of the SSC. (NOTE: This
does not mean the SSC needs to approve/disapprove specific expenditures
of previously approved budget allocations. However, an SSC member can
ask to have a specific expenditure reviewed if there's a concern about
its appropriateness.)

i) No materials or equipment purchased with funds monitored by the SSC
shall be released for use by another school site without approval by
the SSC.

ARTICLE V: Officers

a) The SSC shall, at the first meeting of each year, elect a
Chairperson and a Secretary. If either person is absent at any
subsequent meeting, a temporary replacement will be selected for the
duration of the meeting.

b) The chairperson's duties shall include:
1. Gathering, posting, and setting the agenda for each meeting.
2. Notifying, in accordance with State legislative and local
ordinances, both SSC members and the school community of the date and
time of each meeting and the preliminary agenda.
3. Presiding over each meeting in a way that insures the effective and
efficient conduct of the SSC's business.

c) The Secretary's duties shall include:
1. Taking accurate notes of the business conducted at each meeting.

2. Preparing an official set of "minutes" describing the business and
events, of each meeting.

3. Distributing these "minutes" to each SSC member as soon as possible
following each meeting, and also posting a copy for the school
community. .

4. Presenting the "minutes" of the previous meeting at each SSC meeting
for review, possible correction, and approval by the SSC.

d) If the Chairperson or Secretary misses three consecutive monthly
meetings during the school year, or is found by a 2/3 vote of the SSC
to be negligent in his/her duties, a replacement will be considered.

ARTICLE VI: Committees

a) The SSC may as needed establish standing or special committees. Such
committees will make recommendations for action to the SSC, but the
decision-making authority still rests with the SSC.

b) Membership in such committees will be established by the SSC, and
may include non-SSC members. However each committee must include at
least one SSC teacher member and one SSC parent member.

c) Each committee may adopt rules for its own governance, so long as
they are not
inconsistent with these SSC Bylaws.

d) Unless otherwise stated by the SSC, a Committee's. "quorum" business
'is designated as a "majority" of its members.

e) Vacancies in a committee will be filled by a process to be
determined by the SSC.

f) Each year the elected cabinet for the English Learners Advisory
Committee (ELAC) will also serve as a "Standing Committee" of the SSC,
to advise the SSC. They will be asked to submit recommendations to be
taken by the SSC on their behalf.
g) The SSC Budget committee shall be provided a copy of and review all
to dr. martin Luther king jr academic middle school budget allocations
and revisions throughout each school year, and review and revise site
plan budget proposals accordingly with SSC representatives two-thirds
approval during a SSC scheduled meeting.
1) The SSC Budget committee shall be composed of the principal (or
designee), 2 ssc teacher representatives, 2 ssc parent representatives,
1 ssc staff representative, and 2 student ssc representatives (each
from a different grade level).
2) The principal and the ssc chair will be responsible for receiving
and disseminating SFUSD school year budget allocations and budget
revisions to the school site council members from sfusd as provided to
them within 72 hours.


a) The SSC shall meet at 4:30 PM on the second Tuesday of each month
unless a different date is set in advance with the agreement of a
majority of the SSC members.

b) Additional meetings may be called by the Chairperson (under
"emergency" situations) or by a majority vote of the, SSC.

c) The meetings will be held in the library, unless expected attendance
warrants relocating to a larger space.

d) Votes can be taken only if a "quorum" is present. A quorum will
consist of 9 or more SSC members.

e) Meetings will be conducted according to "Robert's Rules Of Order",
except as specified elsewhere in these Bylaws.

ARTICLE VIII: Agenda Process

Items will placed on the SSC agenda by the following process:

1. At the end of each meeting, a preliminary agenda will be set for the
next meeting by a majority of SSC members, consisting of unfinished
business and/or new items raised by members.

2. Between meetings, new items can be submitted by SSC members to the
Chairperson, who will then add the item to the preliminary agenda.

3. New items can also be raised by SSC members at the beginning of
each meeting.

4. The SSC as a whole can then decide the feasibility of including each
new item on the meeting's agenda.

ARTICLE IX: Decision & Appeal Processes

a) Consensus on decisions will be sought at all times. If consensus
can't be reached, the SSC will then determine the best course of action
for dealing with the particular issue.

b) All agenda items shall be made known to each SSC member at least
five days in advance of each meeting, to enable members to seek input
from their constituencies. This will expedite a decision being reached
rather than "tabled".

c) Any decision made by the SSC will be official and cannot be negated
by any other person or group unless it is contrary to Federal, State,
or District regulations and policies.

d) The timing and implementation of SSC decisions will be determined by
the SSC, and will be included in the wording of the official decision.

e) Any decision made by the SSC can be appealed by any member
constituency by:
1. Placing the issue again on the next available agenda.
2. At that SSC meeting, the constituency's concern with the decision
will be
stated and will be followed by further discussion and/or another

ARTICLE X: Amendments

This set of SSC Bylaws can be amended by the following process:

1. Amendments are made by placing the proposed changes before a full
meeting of the SSC membership.

2. Ample time is allowed for each constituency to discuss the merits of
the proposed amendment.

3. Amendments must not contravene current Federal, State, or District
and policies.

4. Amendments are ratified through a consensus of members present. If
consensus cannot be reached, the amendment may be tabled, or sent to a
sub-committee for further revision and resolution. Amendments can then
be approved with a 3/4th vote of the full SSC membership.

Appendix A

MLK SSC DOMAINS (And Decision-making Groups)

SSC Domain: Long term policy and planning decisions. Also includes
final site approval of all program Budgets and Master Schedule

Administrative Domain: All decisions regarding enforcement of
SFUSD/CA/USA mandated regulations & procedures. Also all "emergency"
decisions needed due to time constraints.

UESF Staff Domain: All decision-making activities and roles specified
in the UESF Contract, including (but not limited to) concurrence on the
common planning time schedule and the goal of shared consensus with
administration on areas of curriculum, budget, scheduling, staffing,
assignment, and professional development.

SEIU Domain: (Specific language to be arranged with SEIU Building

Parents Domain: All decisions related to PTSA policies, activities, and
its budget. Voting membership in SSC, BAC, SAC, and FLU. Also
includes decisions relegated to parents by SFUSD or CA, such as the
decision on uniforms.

Student Body Domain: All decisions regarding the expenditure of
student raised monies, co-approval of fundraising activities, and
co-approval of Graduation, dances, and other student-sponsored